Rehab and Recovery Zone!

Functional training plays a vital role in both rehabilitation and recovery processes, helping individuals restore function, prevent injury, and optimize performance in daily life and athletic endeavors.

Featured Rehab & Recovery Articles

Why Everyone Needs Core Training

- Stuart McGill

Having worked with back pained people and high performance athletes for over 30 years, I am often asked, "To choose the most influential variable that links pain and performance". My response would be an underperforming core. Why is this? What is the core? Core stiffness is essential for injury prevention. Core stiffness is essential for performance enhancement. Core stiffness is not optimized in body building exercises. Core stiffness requires dedicated training...


Using Foam Rollers

- Mike Boyle

A decade ago, strength coaches and athletic trainers would have looked quizzically at a 36-inch long cylindrical piece of foam and wondered, "What is that for?" Today, nearly every athletic training room and most strength and conditioning facilities contain an array of foam rollers of different lengths and consistencies. What happened to bring foam rollers into prominence? The change has been in our attitude toward massage therapy...

Where Does Therapy End and Conditioning Begin?

- Gray Cook

"Gray, you are a strength coach as well as a physical therapist. In your opinion, where does physical therapy end and strength-and-conditioning take over in terms of return-to-sport rehab?" That's an interesting question and I'm going to try to keep this one brief since I laid down my philosophy in the first question. Greg Rose and I confronted this when he was constructing a lot of the models that helped the Titleist Performance Institute sort of lay out its framework...

Massage Techniques for Acute Ankle Sprains

- Chris Foerster

A sprained ankle is a common sports injury. Everyone who's graduated from massage therapy school has likely learned about them. There are several different types of ankle sprains. It can be chronic or acute, and can range from simple to severe. While there might be treatments that could help, no one should ever attempt massage modalities for an ankle sprain, or any type of injury for that matter. That should only be done by a qualified professionalwho meetsthe state’s defined scope and standards of practice for therapy...

Learn From The Experts

"Rehabilitation is smart to take some lessons from functional training; one of the most important is the idea that our body is interconnected. Very often people only treat the site of pain and that is only the end result, not necessarily the cause. Looking at the body as a whole allows us to more effectively address the issues that impact people's lives."

Jessica Bento - Physical Therapist

s. Sea ne nusquam liberavisse, putent bonorum ut nam

"Rather than focusing on injuries and setbacks we must frame it as an opportunity to develop another quality or conquer a challenge. Sometimes that challenge is a mental mountain and sometimes it‘s a physical one."

Kevin Carr – CFSC, LMT

s. Sea ne nusquam liberavisse, putent bonorum ut nam

Rehab and Recovery Equipment

We carry an extensive and varied selection of rehab and recovery equipment including foam rollers, massage tools, stretching helpers, and range of motion equipment!