Impact of Sit-Ups on the Entire Body

by Ryan Krane

Correct vs.incorrect lifting method.

The largest myth in the fitness world is that sit-ups are the best exercise to strengthen your core. Many individuals believe that sit-ups are an affective exercise because they isolate the rectus abdominus or six-pack muscles. For individuals with insufficient core strength a sit-up would not be a desirable exercise because of all the movement at the spine. These people need to begin with core stabilization to strengthen the transverse abdominus, obliques, lumbar multifidus, pelvic floor muscles, diaphragm, and transversospinalis (Clark and Lucett, 2008). When people have weak stabilizing muscles it increases the forces throughout the lumbo-pelvic hip complex that can potentially lead to low back pain and injuries. Therefore, to reduce the amount of injuries associated with performing sit-ups individuals need to start their core training with core stabilization exercises to provide adequate stability throughout the lumbo-pelvic hip complex.

A weak core can cause multiple problems throughout the entire kinetic chain. The core is the body's center of gravity and where all movement begins. A strong core is essential for maintaining optimal muscle balance throughout the entire kinetic chain. The core musculature is divided into two separate categories: the stabilization and movement systems. The stabilization system is responsible for stability of the lumbo-pelvic hip complex and the movement system is responsible for movement of the core (Clark and Lucett, 2008). Both systems work together as an integrated functional unit and when one system is not functioning properly the kinetic chain is altered creating various dysfunctions throughout the upper and lower body. Additionally, when people train the movement system before the stabilization system individuals would be susceptible movement compensations, synergistic dominance, and inefficient movements creating dysfunctions throughout the entire kinetic chain. Therefore, individuals need to strengthen their core properly by beginning with core stabilization to avoid dysfunctions throughout the upper and lower body.

Oooookay, but why does the posterior oblique sling matter and where do we get it very wrong? This excerpt from a 2019 paper in The Journal Of Physical Therapy Science describes the posterior oblique sling function predominately as the following…

“Muscular chain is referred to as when muscles are applied together or influence on the kinetic patterns. In the muscular chain, there are synergists, muscle slings, and myofascial chain, and each of them has interdependent relationship with neuron organs and joints. Among them, POS for maintaining the stability of bodipsilateral erector spinae during the cross-walk and delivering the power from lower to upper limb of the body is comprised of contralateral latissimus dorsi, contralateral erector spinae, thoracolumbar fascia, ipsilateral gluteus maximus, and ipsilateral biceps femoris1). POS contributes to the stability of lumbar pelvis, and training for such muscles influencontralateral erector spinae on power of sacroiliac joint. Therefore, it is said to contribute to the stability of lumbar pelvis. If POS is activated while moving the body, it contributes to dynamic stability of lumbar pelvis with small muscles).”

If that was a bit too much science jargon, basically because walking (which we are designed primarily to do as humans) is complex and unstable, our body needs stability not to just be balanced, but to produce force (speed) as well. How does it do so? One major method is through the use of the lat, core, and glute connection.

Clark and Lucett 2008. NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008.

About Ryan Krane

Ryan Krane is a certified Corrective Exercise Specialist and one of the leading fitness consultants specializing in corrective exercises in the Los Angeles region. He is helping clients become healthier and pain free with his brand of corrective exercise called The Krane Training Method, which combines flexibility, posture and strength training movements to help clients remedy chronic ailments such as back pain, shoulder pain and other common body aches.

Ryan Krane
Ryan Krane, INC.
Corrective Exercise Specialist