Body Weight Training Zone!

Bodyweight training exercises are a great way to economically and efficiently train to Perform Better! The majority of bodyweight exercises do not need free weights – your own body weight provides the necessary resistance. Well known bodyweight exercises are the push-up, the pull-up, and the sit-up. Weights may be used to increase the difficulty of most bodyweight exercises.

Compared to weight lifting, bodyweight training typically requires more flexibility and balance, and it can effectively strengthen core muscles with the addition of speed or unstable surfaces. Additionally, bodyweight exercises are usually less likely to cause injury compared to weight lifting.

Bodyweight Training Articles

Impact of Sit-Ups on the Entire Body

- Ryan Krane

The largest myth in the fitness world is that sit-ups are the best exercise to strengthen your core. Many individuals believe that sit-ups are an affective exercise because they isolate the rectus abdominus or six-pack muscles. For individuals with insufficient core strength...

Revamp Your Bootcamp!

- Marc Lebert, Founder of Lebert Fitness  

Forget the trends and the next big thing – they don't live here. This is bootcamp! We train hard, we have fun, and we are here for the long haul. Here are a few tips to Revamp your Bootcamp and keep your club and profits pumping...

How to Improve Your Grip Strength to Dominate Spartan Obstacles

- Todd M. Cambio, BS, BA, CSCS

Grip strength is a game-changer in OCR. It helps you successfully get through most of the tougher Spartan obstacles like rope climbs, wall climbs, monkey bars, ring to ring, multi-rigs, farmer's carries and more....

Lebert Fitness: Leg Strength Training

- Marc Lebert, Founder of Lebert Fitness

Let’s start with hamstrings! Place the heel of your foot on the foam grip and hands on the t-legs of the Lebert EQualizer. Raise hips up, squeeze glutes (lock out) and add the stretch if you are feeling adventurous! Plenty of quad dominant exercises to show you as well as a few hamstring and adductors....

Learn From The Experts

"Your body is the most important piece of equipment you own. Bodyweight training, therefore, is considered the first step in my training programs. In order to enhance the results of bodyweight work, I am a big fan of equipment like sandbags, rings, weight vests and suspension trainers. Not only are these pieces of equipment versatile and fun, but I am able to get results for my athletes practically anywhere."

Martin Rooney – Founder of Training for Warriors

s. Sea ne nusquam liberavisse, putent bonorum ut nam

"Bodyweight training is an essential component in any athlete's program and a key tool in any coach's arsenal. Mastery and control of one's own bodyweight in space is vital for sports performance and life in general."

Alwyn Cosgrove – Owner of Results Fitness

s. Sea ne nusquam liberavisse, putent bonorum ut nam

Body Weight Training Equipment

We carry an extensive and varied selection of body weight training equipment, including:

Abs and Core Training Equipment
Slide Boards
Suspension Trainers
Weight Vests
Sand Filled Bags and Weights
Functional Training Racks