Balance and Stabilization Training Zone!

At Perform Better, we know Balance and Stabilization Training! We're here to answer your balance and stabilization questions, or to help you select the proper stabilization and balance training equipment for your needs.

Balance & Stability Articles

Using Foam Rollers

- Mike Boyle.

A decade ago, strength coaches and athletic trainers would have looked quizzically at a 36-inch long cylindrical piece of foam and wondered, "What is that for?" Today, nearly every athletic training room...

The Synonymy of Balance Training

- Doug Gray, FAFS

Balance must be studied and, more importantly, trained in motion. Traditionally, balance has been studied and trained in stillness. Albert Einstein once said, "Life is like riding a bicycle...

Coordination & Movement Skill Development – The Key To Long-Term Athletic Success

- Brian Grasso, YCS, CMT

The key ingredient to working with pre-adolescent and early adolescent athletes is providing global stimulation from a movement perspective. Younger athletes must experience and eventually perfect a variety of motor skills in order to ensure both future athletic success...

It's all about Balance

- Dr. Greg Rose, TPI Doctor of Chiropractic

Our bodies use three internal control systems to help maintain balance (and thus stability) throughout any athletic movement. These three centers are our eyes, our ears, and our nervous system. In the best athletes in the world, these three systems function together...

Learn From The Experts

"Balance and stability are keys to functional movement. A simple balance beam can be added to any program to create active rest and reset the sensory motor system. If screening and testing reveals a balance problem you have many creative ways to address it, but start with the basics like beams, and balance discs and pads."

Gray Cook, MSPT, OCS, CSCS – Co-founder of the Functional Movement System

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"Balance and stability training is a vital piece to any performance program. Balance is a fuction of proprioception, vison and the vestibular systems. Training these systems is key for our athletes and clients to know whee they are in space. This improves body awareness and helps to decrease injury."

Sue Falsone – Owner & founder of Structure and Function

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Balance & Stability Training Equipment

We carry an extensive and varied selection of balance and stabilization training equipment including:

Balance Beams
Balance/Wobble Boards
Balance Discs & Pads
BOSU Balance Trainers
Stability Balls