2025 Speaker School - March 27-29, 2025

2025 Speaker School - March 27-29, 2025

If registering multiple participants, please enter a quantity of one per person and add to cart individually.

What you know doesn’t matter if you can’t explain it to someone else.         True professionals in any career stand apart because they have the power to express their ideas clearly and with power. Leadership is often ab…

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Product Details

What you know doesn’t matter if you can’t explain it to someone else.         

True professionals in any career stand apart because they have the power to express their ideas clearly and with power. Leadership is often about changing minds and getting people to follow your ideas and your way of getting it done, but if you can’t communicate clearly and with confidence to others, then what you believe will never be heard and what you know will not be heard by anyone.        


Speaking well and professionally is the edge you are missing in your career, whether you are aspiring to be the next guru standing in front of the room changing beliefs or presenting to a group of 30 potential clients who are waiting patiently for you to present the reasons why you, and your business, is what they should choose to get the help they need.         

Good speakers are not born, they are created through practice, study and getting a plan…and Perform Better has a workshop just for you which has created many of the finest speakers in the fitness industry today.         

Thomas Plummer, recognized as one of the most powerful speakers in the fitness industry today, and coach and consultant to hundreds of the most successful fitness gurus, gym owners and fitness businesses worldwide, is teaching a three-day speaker development workshop designed for anyone who wants to expand their career by mastering the art of public speaking.         
Who should attend this workshop? It doesn’t matter if you are dreaming about becoming that front of the room speaker who changes the minds of those in the industry, own a gym and need to present to groups as part of your business, or that individual who simply is afraid of public speaking and wants the challenge of finding out how good you can become, this workshop is for you. Also, if you are currently speaking but not getting the results you hoped for, then having professional coaching may be the answer.         

How does it work? This is a limited workshop with a maximum of 18 students. You will learn how to create advanced presentations, make a living as a professional speaker, write and submit prospective topics and develop your personal brand. Most importantly, you will make extensive video presentations dissected there so you can see and learn immediately what you are doing and what you need to do to progress.         





Thursday, March 27, 2025         
8:00 AM - 5:00PM         
*Registration Begins at 8 AM. Registration spaces are limited*         

Friday, March 28, 2025         
9:00 AM - 5:00PM         

Saturday, March 29, 2025       
9:00 AM - 5:00PM         


Perform Better         
1600 Division Rd         
West Warwick, RI 02893         
(401) 942-9363         



Hampton Inn Coventry-Warwick Area 
850 Centre of New England Blvd     
Coventry, RI 02816     


**Discounted rate of $129 per night. Please use the discounted booking link provided or mention “Perform Better” while booking over the phone. Cut off date is 2/25/25.

**Room blocks are limited availability. No guarantees. Hotel may become SOLD OUT at any time.


Early Bird Registration Price: $1,495 (when registering prior to 2/13/25)

Pre-Registration Price: $1,795


Who Should Go?

If you make any type of presentation for a living, be it at a trade show, in front of a Board to present your equipment or services, or even at a more personal level to the sales team you manage, you need to learn how to present comfortably, get your point across, and most importantly, be able to sway decisions and you need to take this course.

What Will You Learn?        
The power behind this course is learning how to present in a shorter format standing up and getting your point across clearly, effectively and efficiently. Speaking is about moving an audience from where they are to where you want them to be and there is a science behind this that can be taught. You will also learn how to build your personal brand, give strong front of the room presentations at trade shows, build presentations, and develop the tools you need to be a master communicator over time. 


Special notes:

-This is a video intensive workshop.

-Attendance is strictly limited to a maximum of 18 people.

*Attendance and the successful completion of this workshop in no way implies future acceptance as a speaker at any Perform Better event. *

A full refund can be issued if cancelled 21 days prior to the event.

2025 Speaker School - March 27-29, 2025


2025 Speaker School - March 27-29, 2025
